Oshun, the Yoruban Goddess of love, delights in the creation of beauty and art. She rules the 'sweet' waters - rainfall, lakes, rivers, and streams. She is the Goddess of passion, and sensuality, as well as abundance, and prosperity. Also known as the "Mother of Secrets", Oshun teaches us how to overcome our difficulties through kindness, compassion, and the restoration of harmony.
Drawing from cross-cultural wisdom and ancient truths, we strive to bring you ideas and inspiration, and quality products, practices and services from around the world that nurture and support oneness consciousness and the creation of Harmony, Justice, and Peace on Earth.
The Gift of the Lotus
With its roots in the mud, the lotus rises through the murky water to blossom clean and bright, symbolizing purity, resurrection, and the enlightened being who emerges in pure radiance from the chaos and illusion of the world. As the universal gesture of offering, both hands, slightly cupped, palms up, are held close to the chest. They move up and out in unison, describing a very slight arc. The whisper, "for you."