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Saturday, March 7, 2009

NEW! Oshun orisha accessory peacock feather pendants exclusively at our Bonanzle storefront!

Peacock feathers have long been cherished and admired for their beautiful colors, vibrant and rich, befitting of Oshun's royalty and power. When peacocks shed their feathers they grow back even brighter and more beautiful, thus sustaining the power of the peacock image. Peacocks also hold meaning as a symbol of accepting one's own beauty and as a reminder to view self and others in their truest form... the incorruptible soul worthy of perfect love.

These artisan-made blown glass peacock feather pendants are magnificent, each design is unique. They are available exclusively at our Bonanzle storefront. They are approximately 1.5 x 2.5 inches, and strung on a black satin cord as shown. Blessed by an initiate priestess of Oshun of both Afro-Cuban Santeria and Brazilian Condomble. They are tachyon energized, of course!

The Peacock, like Oshun, is representative of glory, immortality, royalty, integrity, and the beauty that can be achieved when we endeavor to better ourselves and better our lives. May you be blessed!

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