Enjoy our biggest and best sale of the year - today thru Monday!
• stock up on your favorite handcrafted luxury soaps, skincare products, spa goodies, aromatherapy oils, and more!
• beautiful bio-resonance jewelry, and fair trade, handmade, and one-of-a-kind gifts are all on sale!
• save 25% on new arrivals - mystery boxes, custom blends, and gift certificates are included, too!
Intuitive arts and energy healing services are included - so now is the time to pre-buy services at 25% savings (services do not have an expiration date)
Enter code 2515 at checkout today thru Monday, November 30 and you'll save 25% on your total order - shop early for best selection! (Sorry, wholesale orders are not included in this sale, but FREE US shipping will be applied!)
Your words help others! Please leave product reviews to be entered to win one of five $25 Oshun Spirit Gift Cards in a drawing on Tuesday, December 1, 2015. Just go to the product listings at www.oshunspirit.com and click the review link next to the stars under the product titles. Each review is a chance to win. Gift card winners will be announced on the website blog.
This year we are donating a percentage of all Cyber Monday - Black Friday sales to End 68 Hours of Hunger and 100% of the profits on all Winni Soap Branded Merchandise will be shared by End 68 Hours of Hunger and The Libby Museum Without Walls. Both of these organizations support disadvantaged kids in New Hampshire; by feeding hungry bodies and by nurturing the dreams and visions of these children's resilient spirits.
As always, I thank you for your kindness and support!
U avgustu 2010. godine dijagnosticiran mi je rak dojke 3. Vrijedna prijateljica ispričala mi je o biljnom centru dr. Itua u zapadnoj Africi. Dala mi je svoj broj telefona i adresu e-pošte. Brzo sam ga kontaktirao kako bih garantirao da će njegovi biljni lijekovi izliječiti moj karcinom i da ću zauvijek zacijeliti. Rekao sam da je u redu. Postavljam ga kakav je proces ozdravljenja, on traži da platim naknadu koju sam učinio i u roku od 7 radnih dana poslao mi je biljnog lijeka, a zatim me pitao rekao sam svom prijatelju Gomezu o biljnom lijeku, tako da mi je dao da odem i popijem ga. Dakle, nakon pijenja dva tjedna, izliječen sam, toliko sam zahvalan i obećavam da ću to učiniti Preporučujem svima koji imaju rak i da to radim. Biljna medicina dr. Itua čini da vjerujem da postoji nada za ljude koji boluju od Parkinsonove bolesti, šizofrenije, skolioze, raka mokraćnog mjehura, kolorektalnog karcinoma, raka dojke, raka bubrega. , Leukemija, rak pluća, rak kože, rak maternice, rak prostate Fibromialgija,
ReplyDeleteFibrodiplazijski sindrom, epilepsija, sklerozna bolest, Dupuytrenova bolest, dijabetes, celijakija, angiopatija, ataksija, artritis, amiotrofična lateralna skleroza, Alzheimerova bolest, lupus, karcinom adrenokortića, rak raka, astma, egepska bolest, astma, egepska bolest, astma, egepska bolest, astma, egepska bolest, astma, egilema, astma, esthema, almatma, astma, esthema, alge, epsipsija , Rak žučnog mjehura, Gestacijska trofoblastna bolest, rak glave i vrata, Hodgkin limfom
Rak crijeva, rak jetre, melanom, mezoteliom, multipli mijelom, neuroendokrini tumori
Ne-Hodgkinov limfom, rak grlića maternice, rak oralne usta, rak jajnika, rak sinusa, sarkom mekog tkiva, rak kralježnice, rak želuca
, Rak testisa, rak grla, Meniereova bolest, rak štitnjače, rak vagine, rak Vulvara
HIV pomagala, herpes, kronične upale bolesti, poremećaj pamćenja,
Evo njegovih kontakt podataka ...... [E-pošta ... drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com. Whatsapp ... + 2348149277967]