The tourist dogs are returning to the lake! Just like my 3 two-legged boys noticed an increase in pretty girls around town as schools let out for the summer, my 3 four-legged boys have been standing at the end of the dock, noses in the wind. The snowbirds are back. The summer dogs will be arriving shortly, and ready for romance!
Just like my two-leggeds found the city girls irresistible, Duke (chocolate) and Harley (Yellow)...
well, boys will be boys!
So, I decided that it was time for the young ones to be neutered. Today is the day.
I dropped them off at the vet at 8 o'clock this morning. I'll be able to pick them up later this afternoon, and my greatest challenge will be to keep them out of the lake for a few days. My four year old black Lab Skooter (photo center) went straight from the car and jumped off the end of the dock after a duck upon his return home from having the procedure. These guys will be on leashes, live and learn!
In every community there are animals sitting in animal shelters waiting for homes. Only about half of those dogs (and cats) will ever get one. The other half will be euthanized. Pet overpopulation is a serious issue and by allowing your dog to breed, you are adding to the problem. Although you may not own the female dog, and you are not burdened with finding homes for those new puppies, someone else will be.
My neutered/spayed dogs have been loving companions to me, my children, and some have been in service working with Hospice and with at-risk kids. Through their labors of love, they've enriched and even extended lives. I believe that spay/neuter makes it easier for us to responsibly care for our pets, and increases the enjoyable activities that we and our dogs can do together.
Making the decision to neuter or spay a pet means that fewer pets… pets as sweet, loving, healthy, and deserving of companionship as my own… will be euthanized for lack of a home. Harley and Duke are purebreds, but that is not an excuse not to neuter, many purebreads are given up as they were. Plenty of future dogs can come from the carefully selected dogs who live with people with time and talent to devote to responsible breeding. That is a high calling, and we're all indebted to those people who do it well.
So, today is a celebration of the dogs, like Harley and Duke (and Joey who you'll meet in the video), who will be spayed and neutered as good citizens, who will be our best friends and loyal companions, but who will not breed. Today is an opportunity for us to all blog, support, and speak positively about stopping pet overpopulation proactively!
And it's a really good day to shop for a cause!
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